WHNPs in Business: Launching Your Own Practice - Part 2

When:  Nov 8, 2023 from 18:00 to 19:00 (ET)

Learn how to become a successful nurse practitioner, business owner, and entrepreneur. A discussion of the basic principles and integration strategies to help the women’s healthcare provider move towards a life of professional freedom, accomplishment, and financial independence.


1) To highlight the various ways to practice as a women’s health entrepreneur/business owner

2) Learn tools to develop a multidisciplinary practice 

3) Highlight issues surrounding billing, access, and time-based practice

This is the 2nd webinar of our 4-Part Career Development Webinar Series.

All webinars in this series are free for NPWH Student Members and ALL NPWH Members are welcome to attend!


Online Instructions:
Url: http://npwh.org/page/careerdevelopmentwebinarseries
Login: Register for all 4 Webinars!